North Hill Nursery was est. 1991.
“After many years in the landscaping business, we had a desire to establish a full service garden center, where consumers could shop and receive a quality product at a reasonable price. Almost twenty four years later, we feel we have achieved this goal. Not only do we have a commitment to offer our customers healthy, quality plants at the best price possible, but also to provide excellent service as well. We are here to welcome everyone, from the novice to the expert, and there is always a friendly staff member on hand to answer all their questions.”
After a few years we expanded our retail to include the stove shoppe, and outdoor furniture. Now we are truly an all-season destination for every homeowner!
In September 2014 after twenty three years, long time owners Pat & Mitch decided to retire and dedicate more time to their family and of course, fishing.
Jim Jones, a long time North Hampton presence, purchased North Hill Nursery & Hearth Shoppe. His goal along with the staff at North Hill is to continue operating all entities of North Hill with the same quality, products and excellent customer service.
-The staff at North Hill